Of course, cancer research, in which billions of dollars end up yearly in bottomless pockets, is more profitable for the Cancer Establishment than finding a permanent cure for cancer.
This is how Maureen Salaman put it: “Cancer research and treatment is riddled with conflicts of interest, giving rise to a situation in which there is no incentive to explore new avenues of research, and financial advantage is to maintain a status quo – an inertia languor that kills 500,000 Americans annually.” Two crucial observations also validly made by Salaman, an author on cancer treatment, need emphasis:
1. “Anti-cancer” drugs are less than efficacious and, in many cases, not curative at all.
2. These drugs are highly toxic, sometimes fatal, yet they receive FDA approval as “safe” drugs.
The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar business. As extremely toxic and ineffective as the cancer drugs are, the industry continues to flourish as a highly lucrative business. The drugs they produce are outrageously expensive, yielding abnormally high profit to the manufacturers. For example, Bristol-Myers Squibb, manufacturers of more than six chemotherapeutic agents, made typical yearly sales of 11.4 billion in 1993 alone. The cancer conglomerate puts profit above human consideration. Its policy, therefore, is to outlaw other forms of treatment that have the potential of undermining the profitability of the multi-billion dollar industry.
Commenting on how billions of dollars of cancer research funds were misappropriated, Linus Pauling, perhaps the greatest scientist of the 20th century and two-time Nobel Laureate, a molecular biologist, chemist, physicist, medical researcher and crystallographer wrote:
“Everyone should know that the ‘war on cancer’ is largely a fraud.”
There is an element of desperation in the aggressive posture of the Cancer Establishment towards new ideas and alternative doctors. The stakes are high as Maureen Salaman observed: “Certainly, the size and commercial influence of the lucrative cancer research industry would be drastically reduced. The American Cancer Society, the numerous academics who serve on cancer research boards, the fund raisers and public relations people would be looking for other work. Manufacturers of radiation equipment, x-ray machines and cobalt machines would suffer drastic cut in production and revenue. Most alarming (for the drug firm), a whole range of dangerous toxic drugs would no longer be required. A multi-billion dollar industry would be devastated.” These are the reasons why the Cancer Establishment is resolute in maintaining the status quo.